Change of Season as we look forward to Autumn

The leaves are changing on the trees from the vibrant green from the summer months to a red/golden shade as we move into the Autumn season. This is very much reflected in the flowers available at this time of year.

This is probably my favourite season as the colours change from the lush pinks,  purples and lilacs we see through the summer season to the golden tones of the  Autumn season. Snowberries, Oak Leaves, Physalis, Amaranthus, Dahlia, Solidago, Sunflowers, Helibores, Carthamus Amaryllis along with all the beautiful autumn foliage in beautiful reds and oranges. There is a real warmth to the colour tones available at this time of year and with the change of seasons brings an excited surge of inspiration for the start of the wreath making season both for Autumnal door wreaths as well as our more traditional wreaths. 

The English flower season is nearing the end and this year we were really excited to have been able to deliver a variety of flowers sourced locally.

Our first delivery of Fresh Moss arrived this week and we are not fully stocked with all of the accessories required to make wreaths. Visit our online store today or call in to see us and stock up on all those items you need to help you get creative.


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